+63 (915) 205 9900 info@firmax.net

Using Firmax

Using Firmax

1. Apply cream on pulse points to promote healthy blood circulation.
2. For more prominent effects, apply directly on affected areas.

Radial Pulse

Radial Pulse

  • Located in the inner wrist, right bel0w the thumb
  • Apply a small amount of cream on the left wrist and rub the right wrist on it, using circular motions until cream is fully absorbed.

Brachial Pulse

Brachial Pulse

  • Located in the area of the inner elbow

Carotid Pulse

Carotid Pulse

  • Located in sides of the neck near the Adam’s apple
  • Strongest pulse point
  • Apply a little amount of cream
    on the neck pulse points and rub
    upwards with a little pressure.

Temporal Pulse

Temporal Pulse

  • Located at the side of the head, above and slightly in front of the ear

Facial Pulse

Facial Pulse

  • Located in the lower jawbone linear to the corners of the mouth
Femoral Pulse

Femoral Pulse

  • Located in the inner thigh in the groin area

Popliteal Pulse

Popliteal Pulse

  • Located in the pit behind the knee

Posterior Tibial Pulse

Posterior Tibial Pulse

  • Located in the middle/inner side of the ankle

Dorsalis Pedis Pulse

Dorsalis Pedis Pulse

  • Located on top of the foot

Healing Effects while using Firmax3

You may experience some discomfort while using Firmax3. Detoxification is meant to rejuvenate the mind and body. However, sometimes the initial reaction to a detoxification process can be anything but pleasant. The process of healing after using Firmax3 is known as a Healing crisis where your body experiences a reaction to the detox or cleansing reaction.

Environmental toxins accumulate in tissues throughout the body, especially fat tissue. In addition, the human body has bacterial colonies. When you cleanse your body, the toxins dislodge and the bacteria die off and release endotoxins. When the toxins and waste are dislodged, the body begins to flush them into the bloodstream to be filtered and to be eliminated. During the healing process, you may feel even worse than before you started using Firmax3. The good news is that this reaction is likely a sign that you’re getting better by way of deep and thorough cleansing.

Possible Symptoms

Skin irritation (itching, rashes, pimples, breakouts), headaches, nausea, fever, diarrhea, anxiety, fatigue, aches, soreness, mood swings, stuffy nose, vomiting, blood pressure fluctuation and sweating.