+63 (915) 205 9900 info@firmax.net

About Us

RF3 World is an e-commerce company that is developing advanced beauty products leveraging Nano Technology to penetrate down to the deepest skin levels. The company’s motto is “Let Your Beauty Shine Inside Out,” believing that it is important to nourish both the external apperance and internal health. Firmax3 is the flagship cream product of RF3 and it is the first in Malaysia to use therapeutic methods of natural plant materials from various countries.
RF3 World also provides business opportunities to entrepreneurs requiring only modest startup capital to generate profits. Through the combination of  a great product and efficient management, RF3 World has grown rapidly. The company has now expanded all over Asia.


We aim to introduce advanced beauty products that not only improves the external appearance but also nourishes the body. For entrepreneurs, the goal is to provide a platform upon which to develop profit-generating businesses requiring minimal capital and that offer time flexibility.


We believe that beauty must include both the outside appearance and internal health. Our system can also help aspiring entrepreneurs maximize their potential in business. Ultimately, the goal it to empower individuals financially all over the world to reduce poverty and create a healthy and prosperous society.